HAICTA had its 1st Pan-Hellenic with international participation, 2days Conference on 6-7 June 2002, in Athens, Greece. The conference is an effort of HAICTA to bring together Agriculture and ICT professionals. This conference offered an opportunity to exchange ideas, opinions and experiences in applications and developments in the use of ICT in Agriculture, Food and Environment. The conference had its sessions in English. Contributions from various countries were allowed a broadened perspective for all attending. The conference took place in the Agricultural University of Athens.
Conference Topics
E-Commerce in Agriculture and Food Industry
ICT in:
Precision Agriculture
Plant Protection
Land Evaluation
Sustainable Agriculture
Remote Sensing and GIS
ICT and Environment
Organizing Committee
Sideridis Alexander: Chairman of HAICTA. Professor of Informatics in the Agricultural University of Athens
Triantafyllou Costantine: Vice Chairman of HAICTA. Manager of the Informatics Department of the Ministry in Agriculture of Greece.
Yialouris Constantine: Assistant Professor of Informatics in the Agricultural University of Athens
Asimakopoulos Antony: Treasurer of HAICTA
Theofyllidou Kalliopi: Secretery of HAICTA
Economou Dimitrios: Associate Researcher in the National Agricultural Research Foundation (NAGREF)
Zintzaras Ilias: Researcher in Charge in the National Agricultural Research Foundation (NAGREF)
Neofytou Christos: Vice President of the Geotechnic Chamber of Greece