"Application of Precision Agriculture in Greece", May 2007, Greece, co-organized by the HAICTA's Branch of Northern Greece and Thessaly and ATEI of Thessaloniki.
"Adopting New Technologies for the Farm of the Future"
The workshop was organized successfully at Agrotica 2010 (6 March 2010).
"New Technologies and Sustainable Rural Development"
The seminar was organized by the HAICTA's Branch of Northern Greece and Thessaly, in cooperation with the Municipality of Aridea, N. Pella on September 25, 2010.
"Innovative actions for sustainable development of horticulture"
The event was organized by the Hellenic Association on Information and Communication Technologies in Agriculture, Food and Environment (HAICTA) and the Chamber of Serres on January 21, 2017. Following are the presentations of the event [in Greek]:
"ICT Applications in the Northern Greece Primary Sector"
The event was organized by HAICTA in collaboration with the TEI of Eastern Macedonia Thrace on December 8, 2018 at the TEI premises in Kavala, Greece.
"Sustainable Development - Perspectives for Innovative Buffalo Products"
The event was co-organised by HAICTA, Livestock Farming Cooperative of Greece and the Chamber of Serres on June 28, 2019 at "George Christidis" hall in Serres, Greece.
1st European Festival of Goat, Lamb and Local Products
HAICTA participated along with the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Geotechnical Chamber of Greece, Panhellenic Association of Young Farmers, Pan-European Union of Young Farmers, Chef's Club of Greek Gastronomy and Butcher Association of Thessaloniki Prefecture. It took place on 27-29 September 2019 in Vassilika, Greece.
"Innovative Actions for Sustainable Rural Development in Western Macedonia"
The event was organised by HAICTA, under the auspices of the Region of Western Macedonia on 23 November 2019 in Florina, Greece.