It was organized by HAICTA's Branch of Northern Greece and Thessaly in collaboration with University of Thessaly, COST 725, Technological Educational Institute of Larissa and Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki. The conference was an effort of HAICTA’s branch in Northern Greece and Thessaly to bring together Agriculture and ICT professionals and offers an opportunity to exchange ideas, opinions and experiences in applications and developments of ICT in Agriculture, Food and Environment. Contributions from various countries were allowed a broadened perspective for the scientific community. The conference took place in Volos, Greece on September 20-23, 2006.
Conference Topics
Agribusiness Clusters & Netchains
Agrologistic Networks
Crop Modeling
Decision Support Systems
E-business/e-supply chain management/
e-logistics/e-marketing/ e-commerce
Education, Training & Distance Learning
Environment and Food Sciences
Environmental Control Systems
ERP, CRM & SCM Systems
Food Technology
GIS and Remote Sensing
ICT and Environment
ICT educational syllabus in courses in Agriculture
Intelligent Systems
Land evaluation
Natural Resources Management & Monitoring Systems
Neural Networks
Numerical Analysis
Plant Protection
Precision Agriculture
Quality Control and Standards
Sensors, GPS, Wireless Technology
Sustainable Agriculture
Sustainable Development
Web-based Applications
Organizing Committee
Program Chair: Tzortzios S., University of Thessaly Bampzelis D., University of Thessaly Bartzanas T., University of Thessaly Batzios C., Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Dalezios N.R., University of Thessaly Domenikiotis C., University of Thessaly Fountas S., University of Thessaly Iliadis L., University of Thrace Gemtos T., University of Thessaly Katsoulas N., University of Thessaly Kiomourtzi F., Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Kittas K., University of Thessaly Manos B., Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Vlachopoulou M., University of Macedonia Salabacis M., A.T.E.I. of Thessaloniki Samathrakis V., A.T.E.I. of Thessaloniki Samaras N., T.E.I. of Larissa Sideridis A., Agricultural University of Athens Spiliotopoulos M., University of Thessaly Tsiligiridis T. Agricultural University of Athens
Scientific Committee
Chair: Nicolas R. Dalezios, University of Thessaly Andreopoulou Z., University of Thessaloniki, Greece Arabatzis G., Democritus University of Thrace, Greece Arvanitogiannis G., University of Thessaly, Greece Atil, H., Ege University of Izmir, Turkey Bagiatis C., University of Thessaly, Greece Batzios C., Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece Caridad J.M., University of Cordoba, Spain Danalatos N., University of Thessaly, Greece Demmel M., University of Munich, Germany Dimos G., University of Thessaly, Greece Domenikiotis C., University of Thessaly, Greece Gelb E., Ministry of Agriculture, Israel Gemtos T., University of Thessaly, Greece Gertsis A., American Farm School of Thessaloniki, Greece Hachikyan A., Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria Harkin M., Irish Society for Information Technology in Agriculture, Ireland Houseman, I., General Secretary of EFITA Hirose M., Okinawa International University, Japan Iliadis L., Democritus University of Thrace, Greece Islam F., BMSR Agricultural University Sarna, Bangladesh Kittas C., University of Thessaly, Greece Koutroumanidis T., Democritus University of Thrace, Greece Lorentzos N., Agricultural University of Athens, Greece Loutfi M., University of Sunderland, UK Manos B., Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece Manthou V., University of Macedonia, Greece Moscardini A., University of Sunderland, UK Neophitou C., University of Thessaly, Greece Nikolaidis A., Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania, Greece Noell C., Royal Agricultural University, Denmark Offer A., ADAS, UK Papaeconomou M., ΄Papaeconomou-Agrochemicals΄ SA, Greece Pimenidis E., University of East London, UK Sakellariou M., University of Thessaly, Greece Salampasis M., Technological Institute of Thessaloniki, Greece Samathrakis V., Technological Institute of Thessaloniki, Greece Scherer R., University of Karlsrurhe, Germany Seabra L., Institute Nacional de Estatistica, Portugal Silleos Ν., Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece Sindir K., Ege University of Izmir, Turkey Soldatos P., Agricultural University of Athens, Greece Toulios L., NAGREF, Larisa, Greece Tsiligiridis T., Agricultural University of Athens, Greece Tzortzios S, University of Thessaly, Greece Vlachos I., Agricultural University of Athens, Greece Vlachopoulou M., University of Macedonia, Greece Voros M., College for Modern Business Studies of Budapest, Hungary Vrana I., Chech Agricultural University, Chech republic Waksman G., Association Francophone d΄Informatique Agricole, France Yialouris C., Agricultural University of Athens, Greece